FAMILY YOGA DETAILS: If you are looking for a fun way to teach your child about the absurdity of treating people differently just by the way they look, please bring your 3-8 year old to the Sneetch’s Family Yoga event on Friday 1/21 ! We will read, move, & create using Dr. Seuss’ story The Sneetches to celebrate our differences, and acknowledge our similarities in honor of the hard work from our beloved MLK JR. If your child would like, PJs are welcome!
AGES: Geared for kids 3-8 years old
WHAT TO BRING: Yoga mat, water, mask
WHAT TO WEAR: Comfortable athletic gear that is easy to move in.
INSTRUCTORS: Anita, Butterfly Kids Yoga.
HOW TO ENROLL: Registration for this class is now closed. Please check back for our next Family Yoga in February!