HFL, Irondequoit, Allendale Columbia and Homeschoolers -- more school codes available

HFL, Irondequoit, Allendale Columbia and Homeschoolers -- more school codes available

I am very grateful to hear that our On Demand classes have been so helpful. Whether you have taken our classes before in person, or whether you are brand new to Butterfly Kids Yoga, we are committed to the health and wellness of your kids.

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"Wow. Yoga really helped us last week!"

"Wow. Yoga really helped us last week!"

As we are all navigating the fall, school situations, what is available vs not, it goes unsaid that we are all dealing with the stress that comes with it all. It’s real for us. It’s real for our kids. But we’re all managing and I hope to be here to help with our classes.

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Victor, Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport and more...school codes for you

Victor, Pittsford, Penfield, Brighton, Fairport and more...school codes for you

Great news! Several school codes are now available to use for Butterfly Kids Yoga Virtual classes.

We are getting great feedback on the quality of these classes, the flexibility of virtual classes, and when / how people are using them.

Here are just a few comments I’ve received….

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Yoga camp recap + enjoy our classes virtually

Yoga camp recap + enjoy our classes virtually

From tweens to younger yogis, what an incredible yoga camp experience this year. Maybe one of the most important times for yoga and mindfulness for our kids as we navigate the upcoming school year, stress, anxiety and change.

We enjoyed yoga an outlet for exercise, mindful movement and self confidence. We built up our toolkit of breathing techniques, stress-reducing activities and mindfulness tips that can be applied on and off the mat. And we enjoyed just being together — yet distanced.

Thank you to everyone who was a part of it — and thank you for everyone’s understanding about our limited registration this year!

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On Demand is HERE + studio reopening update

On Demand is HERE + studio reopening update

I am thrilled to share with you that Butterfly Kids Yoga On Demand classes are HERE! This new platform will be your constant in bringing educational, active, mindful, and engaging Butterfly Kids Yoga classes to your children. Given the uncertainty of this pandemic in the fall, the anxiety and stress associated with the upcoming school year, and not knowing when we’ll be able to run all of our in-person programs again — I wanted to create a platform that could be your constant for helping your children with their physical and mental well being.

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3 Exciting Announcements!

3 Exciting Announcements!

I am writing with exciting updates about new options for Butterfly Kids Yoga! We have been working very hard this summer on a way to bring our classes to everyone this fall. We know that many in-person classes, school programs, sports sessions, and events are not possible (or very limited) for the time being. However, the mental and physical wellness of our kids is VERY top of mind — perhaps more than ever before.

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