The Yoga Effect

They say that if you put in 50%, you get 50% out. Put in 100%? Get 100% out. It's all about the effort. But to kids, while this concept sounds good, it really hits home when they experience it. And when kids experience themselves growing, changing, accomplishing new can be a total game changer.

I recently had several kids mention to me new things that they feel really proud of. Whether these moments happened in or out of yoga class, their excitement is contagious. 

"In gym class we're doing gymnastics. And guess what? I was the only one in my class who could hold airplane pose (Warrior III) for 30 seconds. No one else could!" - 7 years old

"I could never reach all the way down to my feet before, but this time I could." - 9 years old

"Miss Ali, LOOK. I am doing it!!" - 3 years old, first time doing a yoga pose he had trouble doing before

"After practice or games, I would never stretch like this. But this is crazy, I never knew I could do any of this." - Yoga for Athlete teen

The yoga effect.

These accomplishments are awesome. Because yoga is not easy, but your kids work really hard in class. So when the "yoga effect" happens, it's a game changer. It's that, "Wow, I knew I was having fun at yoga, but to be able to do THIS now? Cool..." 

And the best part? They're doing it all themselves. They're putting in that effort in each class and they get to experience the difference it makes. Sometimes, even when they least expect it.

Have a great week, friends. And be on the lookout for those yoga effects in your kids! 

PS. Looking for a class this week? Check out our full schedule for Kids, Teen & Adult classes and events. 


We're coming to Webster! Please join us at the beautiful ROC & Soul Boutique studio this Saturday, 3/31 @ 1PM for a special pop-up weekend class (ages 5-12). Enroll here. Interested in more details? View class info here
