The funny-looking, but effective, breathing exercise

The funny-looking, but effective, breathing exercise

Ready for a great breathing tip that improves attention, increases energy and reduces stress and anxiety (all in one)? It’s called Alternate Nostril Breathing and you can literally feel the difference after trying it.

Fair warning though. It does look pretty funny. However, if a breathing technique can energize and calm at the same time, I say go for it! We worked on this in a few classes last week, and the kids agree.

Here’s how it works.

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Schedule this week

Schedule this week

Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice weekend and if I saw you at a class or an event this past week, thank you for spending time enjoying a little Butterfly Kids Yoga!

This week, I am excited to kick off our new class at M/Body (starts tomorrow!), see everyone in our various Yoga @ School programs, and of course, for Friday Night Yoga Club (this Friday). Check out this week’s schedule plus our upcoming events below.

Have a great week everyone. See you at yoga!

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Exciting partnership announcement

Exciting partnership announcement

I know, as a mom, how challenging it is to find the time to get to a great fitness class. That was the thought when we started offering our Tuesday 6pm “Yoga for You. Yoga for Your Kids.” Same time, separate classes. A chance for you to get to yoga and your kids, too. Hooray!

But what about something like this during the day? Friends… it’s happening!

I’m thrilled to announce our new partnership with M/Body — one of Rochester’s very best fitness studios. Together, we are offering YOU the opportunity to take a great class while your kids do too.

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New yoga event at CoreLife Eatery (Brighton)!

New yoga event at CoreLife Eatery (Brighton)!

We’re teaming up with CoreLife Eatery to bring you our first “Meal & Mat” event at their brand new eatery in Brighton’s Twelve Corners! Such a beautiful new space. Plus yoga for your kids. Plus yummy food to fuel the body and the soul. Don’t miss it!

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NEW! Tween/Teen event + this week's schedule

NEW! Tween/Teen event + this week's schedule

Announcing a brand new event geared for Tweens & Teens! Please join us on Saturday, 10/27 for a special Yoga + Create Your Own Vision Board event. A morning of yoga, crafting, and healthy snacks — all geared towards inspiring, empowering and encouraging Tweens and Teens to pursue dreams and achieve goals.

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Friday Night Yoga Club is back! Plus, our weekly schedule.

Friday Night Yoga Club is back! Plus, our weekly schedule.

Alright friends! The first full week of school is in the books and I hope it's all going well for you and your family. With schedules settling in, I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things with our Fall yoga events! Thank you to everyone who came out this morning to start their day with Girls Yoga @ Athleta. Lots of yoga opportunities this week as well — schedule enclosed!

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August yoga camp recap + pics!

August yoga camp recap + pics!

Tonight I'm reflecting back on the memories made during last week's Back to School Yoga Camp. From the morning session, to the older kids in the afternoon, each day celebrated the end of summer and prepped us for back to school. Here are a few pics from our week. Enjoy!

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Building connections and so much more.

Building connections and so much more.

I didn't grow up in Rochester but even though I'm not born and raised, I absolutely the sense of community here. Going to Wegmans? For SURE you'll see someone you know. Heading to a park? You'll probably bump into a friend. Walking on the canal? Yup, give a wave to several familar faces. It's kind of this unique "big-little" city with a whole lot of connections. 

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