We're giving back! Events, deals and more.

We're giving back! Events, deals and more.

Hello friends! Today I am writing to you with a lot of excitement. We are entering into November this week, which is a big deal for Butterfly Kids Yoga!

It’s a month to focus on gratitude and giving back.

It’s a month to enjoy friends, family and community.

And, we celebrate our TWO year anniversary this month.

Chills! Two years! What was once a vision to bring a great kids yoga experience to our community has become that and grown to so much more. Reaching so many towns, kids, and families in the Rochester area — I couldn’t be more grateful for the community we’ve created together.

So! This month Butterfly Kids Yoga will be giving back in a variety of ways. With special events. With themes of gratitude in classes. With special deals. And with ways to give back.

Starting with a free Family Yoga class to benefit a local organization and a “Bring a Friend” deal on Yoga for Athlete passes!

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New yoga event at CoreLife Eatery (Brighton)!

New yoga event at CoreLife Eatery (Brighton)!

We’re teaming up with CoreLife Eatery to bring you our first “Meal & Mat” event at their brand new eatery in Brighton’s Twelve Corners! Such a beautiful new space. Plus yoga for your kids. Plus yummy food to fuel the body and the soul. Don’t miss it!

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NEW! Tween/Teen event + this week's schedule

NEW! Tween/Teen event + this week's schedule

Announcing a brand new event geared for Tweens & Teens! Please join us on Saturday, 10/27 for a special Yoga + Create Your Own Vision Board event. A morning of yoga, crafting, and healthy snacks — all geared towards inspiring, empowering and encouraging Tweens and Teens to pursue dreams and achieve goals.

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August yoga camp recap + pics!

August yoga camp recap + pics!

Tonight I'm reflecting back on the memories made during last week's Back to School Yoga Camp. From the morning session, to the older kids in the afternoon, each day celebrated the end of summer and prepped us for back to school. Here are a few pics from our week. Enjoy!

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Yoga camp pics and classes this week

Yoga camp pics and classes this week

Our Mid-Summer Yoga Camp kicked off today and our campers are off to a great start! We have a great week in store with lots of yoga, teamwork, creative art projects, pose workshops and cool mindfulness activities. 

Some classes are paused this week because of yoga camp, but Tuesday's 6PM classes are still on, as well as Friday Night Yoga Club. 

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"Dream Big" Tween/Teen Workshop + Weekly Schedule

"Dream Big" Tween/Teen Workshop + Weekly Schedule

Dream big, set your goals, and work hard to get there. Any opportunity to bring this idea to kids is awesome. Please join us on Sunday, April 8 for our monthly Tweens & Teen Workshop -- an opportunity to practice these concepts, take a great yoga class, inspire creativity, and discover potential. And this month, our Tween & Teen Workshop is all focused on dreaming big, working hard, and achieving goals.

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