Friday Night Yoga Club is back! Plus, our weekly schedule.

Friday Night Yoga Club is back! Plus, our weekly schedule.

Alright friends! The first full week of school is in the books and I hope it's all going well for you and your family. With schedules settling in, I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things with our Fall yoga events! Thank you to everyone who came out this morning to start their day with Girls Yoga @ Athleta. Lots of yoga opportunities this week as well — schedule enclosed!

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Classes for ages 3-5, new Rec Center partner, and more!

Classes for ages 3-5, new Rec Center partner, and more!

Honestly, there is nothing cuter than preschoolers doing yoga. Yoga...a 5,000 year old practice that preschoolers are really, really GOOD at. Downward dog? A hands down favorite. (Yes, we might occassionally bark!) Breathing work to calm our hearts? The kids ask for it in every class. Tricky poses? They can't get enough. Shavasana time to recenter? So great, even for the littlest yogis. 

This Fall, classes for preschoolers can be found at several Rec Centers around our community, including our newest partner, Webster Rec Center! And if you are planning ahead, enrollment is already open for most classes. Details within!

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Reminder: "Kids Making a Difference" event is this weekend!

Reminder: "Kids Making a Difference" event is this weekend!

I think it's safe to say that the colder temps are here to stay in upstate NY (brrr!) but there is no shortage of Butterfly Kids Yoga classes and events to warm us up. So grab your mat, grab a friend, find your class and see you soon! Plus, a reminder about our special event, "Kids Making a Difference", this Sunday, 11/12 in Fairport.

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My very 1st blog post -- 1 year ago!

My very 1st blog post -- 1 year ago!

It was one year ago, this week, that I first started writing to you. I published my very first Butterfly Kids Yoga blog and was gearing up for my first class. I was following my vision, my passion, and was starting something new here in our community. It's been an incredible year and after re-reading that very first blog, I would like to share it with you tonight. 

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Solar eclipse mania! Plus, this week's kids yoga, adult yoga, and more.

Solar eclipse mania! Plus, this week's kids yoga, adult yoga, and more.

The solar eclipse is coming. Do you have your glasses ready? I'm wearing mine right now -- they definitely help with blog writing. How about all of the flowers that are going to close? During the day? Crazy. I'll be looking for them closely because I'm not supposed to look at the sun. And I'm fully prepared for the crazy behavior of bees that I've heard a lot about too. Yikes! I will definitely need some yoga after the eclipse to restore myself to normal...

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Announcing the Fall 2017 Schedule!

Announcing the Fall 2017 Schedule!

The fall schedule is here! I'm very excited to be spreading Butterfly Kids Yoga to new locations, offering new classes, and bringing kids yoga to more families in our amazing community. Yoga is a fun way to be active with friends and it's a great compliment to sports, school, extracurricular activities. It's all about the balance of "yoga active" and "yoga calm" for our kiddos! 

I'm excited to announce details on the following classes for Fall 2017...

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Inspiration from my Grammie

Inspiration from my Grammie

I'd like to introduce you to my Grammie. She is 89 years young. She still hops on a plane to travel. She's an amazing painter. She's on Facebook. She loves a good glass of wine or two at night. She takes a weekly Tai Chi class. And guess what? She JUST picked up yoga 1 year ago. 

I got to catch up with Grammie in person earlier this week while on vacation in Cape Cod. She wanted to know all about the kids, what's new in Rochester, and wanted the scoop on Butterfly Kids Yoga. We went on to have a pretty amazing conversation...

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