Solar eclipse mania! Plus, this week's kids yoga, adult yoga, and more.

The solar eclipse is coming. Do you have your glasses ready? I'm wearing mine right now -- they definitely help with blog writing. How about all of the flowers that are going to close? During the day? Crazy. I'll be looking for them closely because I'm not supposed to look at the sun. And I'm fully prepared for the crazy behavior of bees that I've heard a lot about too. Yikes! I will definitely need some yoga after the eclipse to restore myself to normal...

All jokes aside, Monday's solar eclipse will be very cool. Wherever you may be watching, I hope you enjoy and remember to keep your eyes safe. A very cool event indeed!

This is our last regular week of classes before Back to School Yoga camp and our kick-off to fall classes & events. I hope to see you in class this week!


Ages 3-5, 8/22 @ 10AM

Ages 3-5, 8/22 @ 10AM


  • Yoga for Adults with Jeannette Maloy @ 7:00PM. "Yoga for you. Yoga for your kids"
    - East Side Wellness Center, Fairport (location info here)
    - Not only is Jeannette Maloy a well-loved teacher at Brooks Hill Elementary School here in Fairport, but her clear passion for yoga and joyful nature just makes you want to attend one of her classes! She strives to bring joy, health and wellness to each of her clients. Jeannette is spot on when she says, "Yoga is more than just poses" and I couldn't agree more. Don't miss her class! Sign up for Jeannette's adult yoga class here.
Adult Yoga, 8/22 @ 7PM

Adult Yoga, 8/22 @ 7PM


  • Nighttime Kids Yoga @ 7:00PM 
    Ages 5+ (East Side Wellness Center, Fairport)
    This class is the perfect opportunity to take a fun Butterfly Kids Yoga nighttime class, have fun with yoga, and wind down the day. PJs and a special snuggle buddy are always welcome. And if you are coming to Adult Yoga, your kids can enjoy their own class next to you (or kids can come on their own)! Sign up for Kids Nighttime Yoga here.

* Adult and kids passes sold separately for our Tuesday night classes. So come for just you, for just your kids, or both! Click here for passes and details.


Kids yoga at Perinton Rec Center
- Ages 3-8 (Perinton) @ 10:00-10:45am
- Our last session of our Summer II session at the Perinton Rec Center is upon us all too soon! I will miss this class and the fun that we've had over the past few weeks. See you on Wednesday for a great last class! 

* Looking for more Butterfly Kids Yoga at the Perinton Rec Center this fall? Check out our fall session classes for ages 3-5 on Friday mornings at 10:00am. Enrollment details here

Rec Center Classes, 8/23 @ 10AM

Rec Center Classes, 8/23 @ 10AM

FRIDAY, 8/25

  • (Private event) Yoga birthday party @ 6:00-7:30pm
    I'm looking forward to a special birthday celebration (yoga-style)...get ready for a LOT of fun, a lot of celebrating, and some very cool surprises!
(Private Event) Yoga Birthday Party, 8/25 @ 6PM

(Private Event) Yoga Birthday Party, 8/25 @ 6PM


  • Kids yoga studio class @ 11:00-11:45AM (ages 5-8)
    - East Side Wellness Center, Fairport (location info here)
    - Weekend yoga for 5-8 yr olds includes active yoga (we get moving!), awesome music, yoga themed games, and mindfulness in a warm and inviting studio. Enjoy complimentary fresh fruit after class! Ready to enroll? Sign up for the 11am 8/26 class.
Ages 5-8, 8/26 @ 11AM

Ages 5-8, 8/26 @ 11AM

Happy eclipse viewing and here's to a great week ahead, my friends! 


PS. Quick reminder that Back to School Yoga Camp is next week (August 29, 30, and 31)! A great camp to prep for back to school, enjoy and celebrate the remainder of summer, and have fun with friends. If you are enrolled, be on the lookout for an email from me this week re: details on what to bring, wear, and the daily schedule. And if you still are looking to enroll, please click here for details

Yoga Camp, Ages 5-8: August 29, 30, and 31 (enroll for 1, 2 or 3 days)

Yoga Camp, Ages 5-8: August 29, 30, and 31 (enroll for 1, 2 or 3 days)

Yoga Camp, Ages 8-12: August 29, 30, and 31 (enroll for 1, 2 or 3 days)

Yoga Camp, Ages 8-12: August 29, 30, and 31 (enroll for 1, 2 or 3 days)