Reminder: "Kids Making a Difference" event is this weekend!

Reminder: "Kids Making a Difference" event is this weekend!

I think it's safe to say that the colder temps are here to stay in upstate NY (brrr!) but there is no shortage of Butterfly Kids Yoga classes and events to warm us up. So grab your mat, grab a friend, find your class and see you soon! Plus, a reminder about our special event, "Kids Making a Difference", this Sunday, 11/12 in Fairport.

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My very 1st blog post -- 1 year ago!

My very 1st blog post -- 1 year ago!

It was one year ago, this week, that I first started writing to you. I published my very first Butterfly Kids Yoga blog and was gearing up for my first class. I was following my vision, my passion, and was starting something new here in our community. It's been an incredible year and after re-reading that very first blog, I would like to share it with you tonight. 

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My Mother's Day yoga "moment"

My Mother's Day yoga "moment"

Going into this weekend, I knew that I wanted to make each class, each event, and each interaction particularly special for families because it wasn't just any was Mother's Day weekend. And on Sunday morning, I was proud to lead a special Mom + Kids Yoga class at Lululemon. I wanted this particular class to be extra special and memorable for each and every person who came...they were starting off their Mother's Day morning with Butterfly Kids Yoga and that meant a lot to me! Little did I know that when I planned out my class, it would end up being an emotional class for ME too...

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We Breathe. We Smile. We Fly.

We Breathe. We Smile. We Fly.

Breathe.... Smile. Fly. And not just any kind of breathing, "yoga breathing!" as I say in my classes. One of my goals with Butterfly Kids Yoga is to give kids great tips and techniques that they can actually USE...even outside of yoga class. Yoga breathing is how we start off class, how we end class, and we use it throughout! From my little preschool yogis to my older tween yogis, we all practice our yoga breathing...and here's a peek at how we do it!

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