My Mother's Day yoga "moment"

Going into this weekend, I knew that I wanted to make each class, each event, and each interaction particularly special for families because it wasn't just any was Mother's Day weekend. And on Sunday morning, I was proud to lead a special Mom + Kids Yoga class at Lululemon. I wanted this particular class to be extra special and memorable for each and every person who came...they were starting off their Mother's Day morning with Butterfly Kids Yoga and that meant a lot to me! Little did I know that when I planned out my class, it would end up being an emotional class for ME too...

Mother's Day yoga began at 10am. The sun was shining, I had great music playing, mats were rolled out, special gift bags were ready, and there was a great buzz in the air. This was one of the first Mom + Kids Yoga events that Lululemon had ever hosted in this location and we were ready! The room was full...and not just full of moms and kids (it was), but also full of energy, love, and families enjoying yoga together. Amazing. And then it happened...

The lights dimmed. The music came on for our "Secret Garden" (relaxation) part of class. I looked around the room and saw kids holding hands. I saw kids curled into their moms on the same mat. There was no talking...only music. I chose to play "Peace in this House" by Wynonna Judd (a good friend told me about this song). And on this day, in this class, on Mother's Day, surrounded by other great moms and kids, on my mat with my own daughter curled by my side....I felt silent tears fall.

Google the song. Close your eyes. And listen. 

Such powerful and true lyrics. It's the promise and the future that our kids hold. It's taking a moment to simply find peace. 

It completely took me by surprise... I certainly didn't expect to cry during my OWN class. That was a first! But it just reminded me that our kids are our greatest gift and these moments in time are so special.

So, thank you for all of the opportunities to connect over the weekend -- whether it was at the CoreLife event, at the Girl Scout yoga session, at Lululemon's event, or in the studio yesterday afternoon. I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! 

Looking ahead to this week:
Check out studio classes on Tuesday @ 10am (3-5 yr olds), Saturday @ 11am (5-8 yr olds), Sunday @ 3pm (8-12 yr olds) and Sunday @ 4pm (3-8 yr olds). Click here for the full schedule and to enroll.

Cheers to a great week ahead, my friends!

~ Ali

PS. While the Mother's Day song was the thing that got me, one of the big moments for the kids was after class. Each family received their own (live!) butterfly, which we all let go into the sky together! Butterfly Kids Yoga. Breathe. Smile. Fly. And maybe cry :)