Yoga Camp recap (with lots of pics!)

3 days. 70 campers. Ages 5-8 and 8-12. Butterfly Kids Yoga's TM first official Back to School Yoga Camp was in full swing this week! So I figured that I can't just write about how cool this week was -- I need to show you! Tonight's blog is dedicated to all the kids who were a part of the very first Butterfly Kids Yoga Camp TM . You all made it an amazing 3 days!

Here's a peek into a day in the life of Yoga Camp. Enjoy!



We started each morning getting settled with our yoga journals. Finding our mats and writing in our personal journals. So great for back to school!

We opened up by learning yoga breathing. This helps us calm our hearts (when on the playground at school, when in sports, or anytime our heart rate gets going fast.)


And then...we got MOVING! Cool music, heart rates were going, BIG smiles, and learning yoga while having fun!

We loved working as a team and making new friends...

And yoga-crafts were a big hit! Calming jars, peace rocks, yoga-people (they bend into any pose!) and "I am" boxes. Everyone wrote 5 cool and unique things about themselves on pieces of paper and tucked them into their "I am" box. ("I am a great friend", for example.)

And after all of our moving, all of our fun games (Yoga Statues, Yoga Detective and Sleeping Lion games were all huge hits), we came together for our Talking Stick closing circle. No pictures here, but imagine a great group of friends sharing what makes them feel loved, peaceful, and happy. 

For me, this week was all about celebrating the end of summer, prepping everyone for back to school and just simply...having fun. I love the memories we made, the friendships that were formed and the yoga-fun that we had together! Thank you. A truly great first Yoga Camp!


PS. Don't let the yoga-fun stop with Yoga Camp! Check out our Studio Classes in Fairport and Victor (weekdays and weekend), our Adult & Kids Yoga nights (enjoy a class for yourself while your kids take their own class at the same time; Tuesdays @ 6pm), Friday Night Yoga Club and our Rec Center sessions @ Perinton Rec Center and Victor Rec Center (ages 3-5).  Click here to find your class, buy your pass, and enroll. See you soon!