In that summer state of mind! This week's abbreviated schedule...

In that summer state of mind! This week's abbreviated schedule...

Summer summer summertime is officially here and I hope it's off to a great start for you and your family! This week, we have an abbreviated schedule due to the 4th of July holiday. I look forward to seeing everyone for regular classes & events next week. Don't forget to check the latest schedule!

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One day. Over 300 kids. Yoga comes to Field Days!

One day. Over 300 kids. Yoga comes to Field Days!

Time for a trip down memory lane! Think back to your field days. If you are like me, you immediately picture tug of war, potato sack runs, and relay races, right? But now, schools are becoming more progressive in the way they incorporate health, wellness, and fun into school programs -- and students are enjoying the benefits.

I was very honored and excited to be given the opportunity to bring Butterfly Kids Yoga to Field Days at one Fairport elementary school this past week. The chance to introduce yoga to hundreds of kids and give them all an opportunity to feel strong, find balance, reset, and find calm.

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Yoga for the littles, older kids, athletes and for you.

Yoga for the littles, older kids, athletes and for you.

We're coming off a great week here at Butterfly Kids Yoga, meeting new families and seeing familiar faces. And there's so much coming up this week! Yoga for the littles, older kids, athletes and for you. Check out this week's schedule and what's coming up! 

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Mushy kisses and Mother's Day wishes

Mushy kisses and Mother's Day wishes

As an ode to all of the amazing moms out there, I wanted to share a very sweet moment from a class last week. To set the scene, we had been talking about how each of us has a "little light" inside of us (our hearts). I shared how our little lights make each of us special and how bright they shine...especially when we feel love.

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