Peace begins with me

Peace begins with me

Tonight's blog is dedicated to "peace". The idea of being kind, calm, mindful and thoughtful to one another. We weave this concept into each and every class class by using a few simple (but effective) ways to talk about -- and practice -- peace. Tonight I'd like to share with you just two of the ways that we practice peace in our classes.

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Is that a very burrito?!

Is that a very burrito?!

There is something about a yoga mat for kids. Somehow this brightly colored, cushion-y piece of material has the ability to serve MANY purposes in a kids yoga class. Kids just love, love, love their mats! And so I thought I'd give you a little peek into all the ways kiddos in Butterfly Kids Yoga classes use me, you'll have a new appreciation for that old mat after this!

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Highlights from this week's classes + upcoming schedule

Highlights from this week's classes + upcoming schedule

When I say that I love my job for fun yoga classes with such great kids, I truly mean it. Many thanks to you and your kiddos for making each and every Butterfly Kids Yoga class so special.

This week, we have lots of great studio classes plus 2 Special Events this weekend! Check out it all out here.


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Butterfly Kids Yoga. Breathe. Smile. Fly.

Butterfly Kids Yoga. Breathe. Smile. Fly.

Today I flew. Today I had the privilege to teach yoga to 48 kids as part of a school session. Today was awesome. I hope I made a positive impact on those kids today. I hope I showed them that children's yoga can be fun, energizing, and at times even silly. I hope I showed them how to breathe and relax, how to smile and laugh, and how to fly and be stronger. I hope I did all those things, and maybe for just a couple minutes I gave them the opportunity to "just have fun and be lost in just being a kid."

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I get asked this a lot as a Children's Yoga Teacher

I get asked this a lot as a Children's Yoga Teacher

I recently had a conversation with a mom who was interested in having her 2 kids try a yoga class. She was explaining to me that she wants her kids to continue to be active with their normal activities (sports, music, school, friends, you name it!) but she was also searching for something DIFFERENT. So, she wanted to know, "What makes children's yoga different?"

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4 reasons to give the gift of smiles and laughter

4 reasons to give the gift of smiles and laughter

You know that feeling of seeing a child light up the room with a smile, a good belly laugh, or a little twinkle in their eye? It's one of those gifts that is totally free yet priceless at the same time. i wanted to share an article about just how GOOD all those smiles and laughs are. Enjoy the read and enjoy those smiles over the weekend...for they are the best gifts we can all give.

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Spotlight on Tween and Pre-tween Classes

Spotlight on Tween and Pre-tween Classes

Weekend yoga classes for 5-8 and 8-12 yr olds begin this Saturday, 12/17! Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays, tweens and pre-tweens can enjoy a healthy, active yoga class to start their weekend off right. At this age, yoga is an amazing way to build confidence, strength, and counteract stress. 

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The magic of the Talking Stick?

The magic of the Talking Stick?

There is something about purely innocent, straight-from-the-heart moments from kids that makes you stop in your tracks. The Talking Stick. This is the magical piece of each of my classes that pulls out those moments. I first learned of the Talking Stick in my Kidding Around Yoga certification, and I was very much looking forward to seeing it work in my classes. Well, let me tell you...if there was ever a "magical" part of each class, it is when I present the Talking Stick. 

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