Upcoming December happenings

Upcoming December happenings

"I wish you joy, love, health and abundance." I love this. It's one of those quotes that I want to put in a frame because it's so true! This holiday season, I would like to wish YOU joy, love, health and abundance and I will be incorporating this message into all Butterfly Kids Yoga classes this month. 

Here are all the December happenings going on at Butterfly Kids Yoga. See you on the mat to warm up and celebrate the season!

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Smile! Spring Break kids yoga classes for you.

Smile! Spring Break kids yoga classes for you.

It's Spring Break week here in Rochester, NY! All eyes are on spending quality time with your kids and enjoying fun activities. Butterfly Kids Yoga classes are a great combo of both -- fun, active yoga classes that offer kids the opportunity to burn some energy, have a ton of fun, and re-center in peaceful, mindful moments. 

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"I am happy when I'm in yoga class!"

"I am happy when I'm in yoga class!"

"I did Crow Pose, Mom!" - Saturday class, 8-12 yr olds

"Let's do more Right Light, Green Light, YOGA POSE!" - Saturday class, 5-8 yr olds

"My muscles got bigger...SEE?" - Saturday, Family Yoga

"I am happy when I'm in yoga class!" - Saturday, Family Yoga

Lots of happy, proud, and strong kids at the end of the day on Saturday! Regardless of what age class they took, there was one common theme...they all left class having burned some energy, had fun with new yoga poses, and shared peaceful moments with each other.

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Winter Break ideas: kids yoga classes + special events

Winter Break ideas: kids yoga classes + special events

Winter Break is just a week away! Looking for a healthy activity for your kids? Grab a friend and come to a Butterfly Kids Yoga studio class, try family yoga, or attend a special event @ Athleta in Eastview Mall!

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Keep calm (with kids yoga!) during school break

Keep calm (with kids yoga!) during school break

CABIN FEVER, anyone? Butterfly Kids Yoga classes are a great opportunity for your kiddos to burn some energy, re-center themselves, and have fun with friends (make it a yoga "playdate"!). Check out the class schedule for remainder of the week!

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